Archive | December 2012

Final Course Portfolio

Image found on Flickr 

I have truly enjoyed this whole entire course. I love that this course challenged me and taught me that hard work and commitment will pay off in the end. Taking this course has taught me a lot of things that I thought I couldn’t do like embedding videos in on a page. I have grown as a student since taking this course as well. I have met more fun and interesting people since I have been at Old Dominion University. Also, signing up for this course I just thought I was just going to write things in my blog and that’s it. I also can take a lot of the things that I learn and teach others as well. I really enjoyed each and every assignment in this course.

Henry Jenkins was one of the first things that we read and through reading this material we learned eleven terms. The first term was play and according to Jenkins play is the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving. The first project that was done by the class was all about play because we used things like hyperlinks, images and original ideas to finish the project. (Our Project link) The next two terms we learned were performance which is the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery and simulation which is the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real world processes. Jenkins also talked about appropriation which is the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content. A good example of appropriation is the our first project which was the Wiki project. Another thing we learned about was multitasking. This is one of my favorite terms because some believe multitasking exists and some don’t believe it does. This is a page from my classes Wiki that better explains multitasking. Distributed cognition according to the readings is the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities. Also, this course does just that it expands mental capacities while also having fun as well. Collective intelligence is another term we learned and we defiantly used collective intelligence in our project one Wiki. In the Jenkins reading we learned about judgment which is the ability to evaluate reliability and credibility of different information sources. The projects in this course you have to have good judgment about what online searches are used. The next term we learned is transmedia navigation and this is the ability to follow the flow of stories and info across multiple modalities. Networking is another thing that was discussed and it is the ability to search for, synthesize and disseminate information according to Jenkins. This is a link to my new LinkedIn profile that shows what networking is. The last term we learned out of the eleven terms was negotiation which is the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms. Negotiation is important because each of these terms that I have discussed require some type of negotiation.

I have learned many things from this course like I said before. A few things that I have learned in this course is how to embed videos in a page, how to use hyperlinks in a page, how to work with others to finish a project digitally and how to use WordPress. I would like to spend more time working with my classmates and really getting to know everyone in the class personally. I have learned that new media is changing everyday but no matter how new something is it always uses the old characteristics. For example, the Iphone 3 is just like the Iphone 4 but only has a few things that are new. This is a question that always pops in my head. Is new media really new? What do you think?  I feel I am a little more educated in new/old media now that I took this course because it was a point of time where I ignored the latest gadgets or programs but now I am more aware and I do more research to find out why a certain item or program was created.

Here is a video of what I think digital writing is. A project that was mandatory for this course



Work Cited:

Jenkins, Henry. Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2009. Print.

The Resumes

Traditional Resume PDF File.

Brief Rhetorical Analysis for Traditional Resume:

In my traditional resume I used bold to show what was important and what the reader should look at first when viewing my traditional resume. I also used size twelve font for the things that are not as important and used a bigger font than twelve to what is important. The book Basics of Design did impact my design and delivery because it made me realize I control where the readers eyes go first and what they get out my message. I also centered my name to show the reader who this resumes belongs to.

Scannable Resume PDF File.

Brief Rhetorical Analysis for Scannable Resume:

In the scannable resume I left aligned all the text so it can be easier to read since scannable resumes are plain. I also used capital letters for the headers to show all the things that are important. I also included things that are relevant in my text and not things that aren’t important. The book Basic of Design also taught me to include things only relevant and know who my audience was and my purpose as well.

My Video Resume

Brief Rhetorical Analysis for Video Resume:

In the video resume I included text and images to let the viewer know what the purpose of my video was. I also used music in my background to pull the viewer’s attention my video and what it was about. I used to type of music I used to show that I am serious about the content in my video and the purpose of my video as well. I used a plain background to show professionalism. I also gave credit to the owners of all the images in my video (below). Basics of Design taught me that short is sweet is good and that’s what I thought about when I did my video.

Image credits in video (above)

Image of little girl by eva.pébar’s

Image of the word honesty by Thy Santana’s

Image of group by THE FRANCHISE CO.’s

Image of young girl and older women leannabenn’s

Image of officer by pioneer456789’s


LinkedIn Profile

Brief Rhetorical Analysis for LinkedIn Profile:

In my LinkedIn Profile I included an photo of myself to show the viewer that I am not hiding anything. For example, if I put a picture of a flower on my profile page my reason for doing that would be that I don’t want the people on LinkedIn to know who I am. I also linked out my blog and I learned in the Basics of design that linking out to other sources is a good thing as well. I also joined criminal justice groups to show the viewer that I am interested in criminal justice.


 My Timeline 

Brief Rhetorical Analysis for Timeline:

In my timeline I used different fonts to show the viewer what I feel is more important. I also used icons to make my timeline fun and not boring. Basics of Design helped me with my delivery because I used images for almost every item in my timeline. I learned that images are good sometimes because no one like to look at something dull and boring.

Image Credits for (above) Timeline:

Baby Photo



Nandua High School Image

Tutoring image

Now hiring sign

Old Dominion image